Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My Three Favorite Eve Online Blogs

Of the many sources of information regarding the game, Eve has a very active out-of-game community, discussing in-game politics, PVP tactics, and game mechanics.  Even today, one of my favorite Eve bloggers, The Mittani, wrote about the importance of external media on in-game politics and the "rise of independent media" in Eve Online - this post is not a response, but more of my own opinion about the importance of out-of-game communication, specifically regarding fleet command issues.

As previously mentioned, I enjoy reading The Mittani's articles on his blog "Sins of a Solar Spymaster", which is located on the popular MMO blog Ten Ton Hammer.  The Mittani, current leader of the Goonswarm Federation alliance, is famous for his escapades in the Eve Online universe.  He is very well know for his in-game espionage techniques, specifically the infiltration and destruction of the powerhouse alliance Band of Brothers, who once controlled nearly half of the territory in the Eve universe.  The Mittani has recently retired from his successful career as a lawyer and has began focusing more time on the game, specifically regarding the revitalization of his alliance.

A relative newcomer in the Eve scene, the Eve News 24 blog has attempted to do what others have before, create a 24 hour cable-news-styled syndication of events in Eve Online, often being reported in close to real-time.  Eve News 24 is the brainchild of Czech Lion, a prolific poster on the Kugutsumen forum "Eve Online Uncensored."  Eve News 24 has recently risen in popularity and most likely will be a major player in Eve's internal politics as time progresses.

Finally, as previously mentioned. Kugutsumen is a blog / forum hybridization of sorts. Formed by banned hacker Anthony Zboralski, Kugutsumen is a political playground where in-game grudges come to life over forums.  Those who post on the forums or read blogs make no attempt to be fair or balanced, Kugu (as it is affectionately called) is an arena for interstellar egos.  Information is as raw as it gets, often from the mouths of alliance leaders themselves, which makes the posts all the more interesting.