Tuesday, October 5, 2010

About Me and this Blog

Outside of game, I'm a full-time professional student, finishing my senior year of college.  I'm Computer Science student by nature - which seems normal for your average Eve enthusiast.
In game, I'm a fleet commander / military director for large (~3000 people) nullsec alliance.  I regularly lead or help lead fleets of well over 200 people, using both capital / sub-capital ships

First, I think it's best to give some information about the terminology used in Eve, specifically because I intend for non-players to read this blog (since it is for a class).

Eve Online - a massively multilayer online game.  This game is produced by Crowd Control Productions, a software firm from Iceland.  In game, you have a personal avatar, but when doing anything in game you are represented by the ship you fly.  Eve is based in the universe of New Eden, a cluster of 5000 unique star systems that are accessible by players.  Each system is multiple astronomic units wide, ranging from 2-3 times larger to our own solar system.

Nullsec - In Eve, each system has a security rating, which is very important for pilots who are navigating throughout the game.  Nullsec, or 0.0, is the lowest security rating, meaning if a player decides to engage in player versus player (PvP) combat, no NPC response will occur to defend the player (the NPC Police are known in game as CONCORD).

Lowsec - is the security rating between 0.1 - 0.4.  In lowsec there will be a limited NPC response if players engage in PVP combat, where sentry guns at stations or at stargates will engage anyone who has engaged in non-consensual PvP (via war declarations or faction warfare), but are generally not considered a deterrent.

Hisec - is the security rating between 0.5 and 1.0.  In high security space, players are generally protected from PVP engagements, aside from war declarations.

War declarations (wardecs) - allows PVP in high and low security systems for ISK.  Generally used by mercenary alliances and corporations to extort money or easy PVP from soft or large targets.

ISK - Inter-stellar Kredits, or the in game currency of Eve.  The abbreviation is also the official abbreviation of the currency of Iceland and CCP's apparent lack of creativity.  ISK exists in game in high volumes, as playing the market is a very important portion of Eve.  The market system is so interesting and deep in Eve that some players never even step inside a ship, they stay in a station, huddled over their spreadsheets and graphs, working on being an imaginary Wall Street hotshot.

More information can be found here, which talks about what I've covered, plus some others in more detail.

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