Tuesday, October 5, 2010

POTD: The Most Important Thing in Eve

Power Plant by - mbgrigby on flickr
The image of the day today represents the most important thing in all of the Eve universes - power.

Power is measured by many metrics.  Some measure by PVP, like the number of pilots, skill of pilots, killboard statistics, or other metrics.

Others measure it by money.  Is your alliance rich?  Do you have a strong military-industrial complex?  Do you hold and mine valuable moons?  Could you pay for a mercenary alliance to do the fighting for you?  Can you afford to lose your capital ship fleet and replace it?

Politics play what might be the most important measure of power.  Do you have friends, do you have lots of friends?  Are those friends perceived to be strong and united?  Often times many wars in Eve are started and finished just by skillful diplomacy.

Often times, the most important thing to remember about power in a game such as Eve, is that it all varies by perception.  Internally, an alliance may thing it is very strong.  While that might help as a morale booster, if you're considered to be terrible - you will get treated that way.

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